Informal Group on Heavy-Duty Hybrids | Session 14 | 4 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 9.
Summary and conclusions

Chairman and secretary summarized the meeting as follows:

  • The results of validation test program 1 with the new model structure were presented by the institutes; the new model structure includes a comprehensive component model library, a new signal naming convention and restructured vehicle models

  • The models will be further developed based on feedback from stakeholders

  • The drive cycle investigations resulted in different road gradients from the two calculation methods; application of road gradients to WHVC needs further investigation during validation test program 2 incl. the use of road gradients fixed in the GTR

  • Validation test program 2 at JRC has started in May; the details of the test program were defined between JRC and the participating OEMs

  • OICA confirmed that individual members will arrange for HILS testing at EPA and will start discussions with EPA on the most suitable approach

  • OICA informed that they will provide budget for model verification by the institutes during validation test program 2

  • EPA requested to include powertrain verification in the gtr, and to validate the HILS method with emission results, and confirmed to take part in validation test program 2

  • The proposal by Chair and Secretary of using the HILS CO2 result as input to regional CO2 regulations was agreed

  • The HDH drafting group has been established and had two meetings, so far; the Technical Secretary has not yet been appointed, but it is hoped that the budget will be available in June