Czech Republic
Contracting Party (1958 Agreement)
UN Regulations
(Application per terms of 1958 Agreement accession)
| Latest | | | | | | | | | | | |
4 March 2022 Proposal for alternative EMC immunity test method up to 6GHz for testing of long vehicles (Czech Republic)
EMC-27-03 2022-03-04
5 April 2022 27th EMC task force session: Comment on the draft report (Czech Republic)
EMC-28-03 2022-04-05
4 April 2022 UN R10: Proposal of implementation alternative immunity test method up to 6 GHz for testing of long vehicles (Czech Republic)
EMC-28-04 2022-04-04
23 April 2022 UN R53: Proposal for amendments to document GRE/2022/3 (Czech Republic)
GRE-86-15 2022-04-23
13 May 2022 UN R10: Proposal for alternative method for immunity up to 6 GHz (Czech Republic)
EMC-29-02 2022-05-13
29 June 2022 IWG-EMC technical workshop on immunity test of long and/or wide and/or high vehicles (Czech Republic)
EMC-30-08 2022-06-29
27 July 2022 UN R53: Proposal for a new 04 series of amendments (Czech Republic and Germany)
GRE/2022/15 2022-07-27
3 November 2022 UN R10: EMC frequency range extension 2GHz annexes to be checked (Czech Republic)
EMC-32-05 2022-11-03