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Proposal to establish an informal working group on Automatically Commanded Steering Function
Document GRRF-79-23
13 February 2015

Proposal to develop regulatory provisions that would enable the approval of automated steering systems (i.e., systems that control vehicle lateral movement) that operate at speeds higher than 10 km/h. The proposal originates from discussions on lane-keeping assistance systems and on automated driving.

Submitted by Germany
Status: Mandate approved
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. Background
3. (c) Clarifications
8. (a) Vehicle automation
9. (a) Regulation No. 79
9. (b) Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) and Parking Assist Systems (PAS)

42. The expert from Germany introduced GRRF-79-23 proposing Terms of Reference (ToR) for a IWG on Automated Controlled Steering Functions (ACSF). GRRF agreed with the proposed terms of reference as reproduced in Annex IV. GRRF also agreed that the IWG would submit a revision of the ToR at the next GRRF session in September 2015. The Chair informed that he would present the draft ToR to WP 29 in June 2015 but requested that at their first meeting the informal group should refine the ToR in line with comments received. The Chair also suggested that the timing suggested was very ambitious and recommended to the group that the plan of work should be extended to a more realistic date.

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