Proposal to update the test-track references to the recently published ISO 10844:2014.
66. Agenda item 4.8.7, Regulation No. 117, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/65, insert the following correction:
Annex 4, the title, footnote 1, shall read: “replace “paragraph 12.9” with “paragraph 12.8””
16. The expert from ETRTO referred to the ongoing work of updating references to the new version of ISO standard 10844:2014 (see para. 17 below) and proposed similar amendments to Annex 3 of Regulation No. 117 (GRB-61-14). The expert of ISO recalled his presentation on the comparison between the 2014 and 2011 versions of ISO 10844 (GRB-60-17) and confirmed that only editorial modifications had been introduced without any technical changes. Thus, GRB agreed that no transitional provisions were required in this case. GRB adopted the proposal, as contained in Annex VI to this report, and mandated the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2015 sessions as a draft supplement to Regulation No. 117.
6. The expert from Japan suggested that references to ISO 10844:2011 be put in square brackets for the time being and requested GRB to revert to this issue at the next session.
7. The expert from OICA briefly introduced some additional elements which had been identified by IWG on UN Regulations Nos. 51 and 59 for further consideration and possible inclusion into the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (GRB-60-01). The expert from ISO informed GRB about a new version of ISO 10844:2014 which added a few editorial modifications to the previous version ISO 10844:2014 without changes in the fundamental requirements (GRB-60-17). The expert from China introduced GRB-60-10-Rev.1 and GRB-60-15 in which he suggested higher limit values and a new classification for vehicles of a specific category available on the Chinese market. GRB requested the IWG on UN Regulations Nos. 51 and 59 to consider all these additional aspects and to prepare proposals for the next session, if necessary.
GRB-60-17 | |
WP.29/2015/65 |