35. The Chair of the IWG on EVE introduced GRPE-69-26 on recent meetings. He provided information on the draft regulatory reference guide (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/13) and recommended its endorsement by GRPE. He reported that several minor changes had been suggested, but that the EVE leadership did not accept them. He presented GRPE-69-14-Rev.1 containing a proposal for a new mandate. GRPE endorsed the proposed Electric Vehicle Reference Guide, which would be submitted to WP.29 for consideration at its November 2014 session. Noting the concern raised by OICA about the wording “assuming that” as well as the position of the EC to be clarified at the June 2014 AC.3 session, GRPE welcomed in principle the proposal for the road map to develop a gtr by the EVE Group.
EVE-09-08 | |
GRPE-69-14/Rev.1 |