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Pollution of motor transport highways by particles from tire and road surface wear has a disastrous influence to human health
Document GRPE-69-03
29 April 2014

During motor transport operation, elevated concentrations of solid particles are formed in the air over the roadway as a result of particulate matter emissions from vehicle exhaust gases, tire and road surface wear particles, background air pollution and other processes. The content of tire and road surface wear particulates in the air over the roadway, as it has been specified in the previously submitted materials of the Russian delegation, amounts up to 60% from the total percentage of solid particles (WP-29-160-39). This paper presents further research into this subject.

Submitted by Russia
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)

26. Recalling the submission of GRPE-65-20, WP.29-160-39, WP.29-161-22 and GRPE-68-10 on tyre and brake wear and vehicle indoor air quality, the expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRPE-69-03 with further test and research results. He underlined the evidence that tyre wear would contribute to air pollution not only with solid particulates but also with gaseous pollutants. He announced that, to address this issue, the standard GOST R 51206-2015 on cabin air filters and purifiers was under development.

27. The Chair of the IWG on PMP provided an overview of the latest activities of the IWG (GRPE-69-25) focusing (i) first on the exhaust emissions, in particular on the 23 nm cut-off size confirmation given the state of technology as well as the development of a robust procedure to measure particles down to 10 nm in case of future needs, (ii) then on the particle emissions during regeneration and the particle emissions from Non-Road Mobile Machinery. He reported that the Group had addressed (GRPE-69-24) the concerns expressed in GRPE-69-03 and proposed a possible road map on how to proceed further with the issue of particles from tyre and brake wear (GRPE-69-23).

28. GRPE acknowledged the information provided by the IWG and the Russian Federation, endorsed in principle the roadmap proposed and requested the secretariat to reserve a room for a meeting prior to the January 2015 GRPE session.

14. Vehicles Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ)

43. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRPE-69-03 while discussing item 7 on Particulate Measurement Programme (see para. 26).

7. Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)

46. Having recalled the submission of GRPE-65-20, WP.29-160-39 and WP.29-161-22 on tyre and brake wear and vehicle indoor air quality, the expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRPE-68-10. He argued that the estimates about tyre and brake wear presented in it are significantly higher than the limits set by the Euro 6 pollutant emission regulations. He underlined that the importance of tyre and brake wear estimated in it is significantly higher than earlier estimates on the subject. He provided insights on the impact of the estimations of the contents of particulate matter within vehicles and in the outdoor air in urban driving conditions, and concluded that increased attention to the equipment of vehicles with instruments improving the indoor air quality needs to be taken into consideration.

20. Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

117. The representative of the Republic of Korea presented WP.29-161-12 and WP.29-161-13 complementing his presentation on Vehicle Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) given at the previous session of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1104, para. 130). He invited AC.3 to evaluate the possibility of establishing an IWG with the aim to develop a new UN GTR by 2017. He added that Korea would be committed to chairing such a group.

118. The representative of EU appreciated the presentations, but advised to complete first the development of current tasks before starting new activities. He indicated that this issue may already have been addressed by current legislation. The representative of Canada underlined the importance of addressing potential health impacts related with VIAQ. He supported the idea to work in this area taking into consideration the advice of the EU. He suggested focusing on the identification of best practices and the collection of information before undertaking regulatory work. The Chair of GRPE (Germany) supported the considerations of EU and Canada. He stressed the need to collect information and to analyse the subject before deciding upon the need to develop a UN GTR, if CPs see the need for such a step. Recalling the purpose of WP.29-160-38, the representative of the Russian Federation underlined the importance of the impact of pollutants emitted in the atmosphere on VIAQ. He introduced information through document WP.29-161-22, and expressed readiness to present additional information to the March 2014 session of WP.29. He evoked the need of regulatory initiatives aiming at establishing environmental requirements for vehicle design with respect to ventilation, heating, air conditioning and cabin filters. He recalled the work on tyre and brake wear, which he had introduced in WP.29 in earlier sessions, and underlined the importance of taking a holistic approach. The representative of the United States of America stressed the need to distinguish between emissions from materials used in vehicle construction, which were the responsibility of another agency of his country, and emissions due to vehicle propulsion systems.

119. AC.3 invited all participants to collect information on this topic and requested the secretariat to keep this item on the agenda of the March 2014 session for further discussion.

2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

18. The representative of the Russian Federation introduced a document (WP.29-160-39) containing data on release of particulates by transport vehicles that included not only engine emissions, but also tyre wear and brake pads wear. The Committee recommended referring this document to GRPE for consideration by its IWG on Particulate Matter Programme (PMP) and to GRB and GRRF for information and requested the secretariat to take the necessary actions.

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