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PMP group’s comments on the informal document GRPE-69-03 submitted by the Russian Federation
Document GRPE-69-24
5 June 2014

Summary of discussions with a proposal for a work programme with the objective, among others, of developing a set of recommended sampling/measurement methodologies to address the problem of road, tire, and other non-exhaust airborne particles along roadways.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)

26. Recalling the submission of GRPE-65-20, WP.29-160-39, WP.29-161-22 and GRPE-68-10 on tyre and brake wear and vehicle indoor air quality, the expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRPE-69-03 with further test and research results. He underlined the evidence that tyre wear would contribute to air pollution not only with solid particulates but also with gaseous pollutants. He announced that, to address this issue, the standard GOST R 51206-2015 on cabin air filters and purifiers was under development.

27. The Chair of the IWG on PMP provided an overview of the latest activities of the IWG (GRPE-69-25) focusing (i) first on the exhaust emissions, in particular on the 23 nm cut-off size confirmation given the state of technology as well as the development of a robust procedure to measure particles down to 10 nm in case of future needs, (ii) then on the particle emissions during regeneration and the particle emissions from Non-Road Mobile Machinery. He reported that the Group had addressed (GRPE-69-24) the concerns expressed in GRPE-69-03 and proposed a possible road map on how to proceed further with the issue of particles from tyre and brake wear (GRPE-69-23).

28. GRPE acknowledged the information provided by the IWG and the Russian Federation, endorsed in principle the roadmap proposed and requested the secretariat to reserve a room for a meeting prior to the January 2015 GRPE session.

14. Vehicles Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ)

43. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRPE-69-03 while discussing item 7 on Particulate Measurement Programme (see para. 26).

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