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Potential Issues Related to the Measurement of PN During Regeneration of NRMM
Document PMP-30-08
3 April 2014
Submitted by Ricardo
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. | NRMM

Co-Decision part of the legislation to be finalised by end April 2014 with delegated Act to be adopted in 18-24 months on the test methods and other practical aspects.
Co-Decision part will contain the essential elements – i.e scope and limit values
PN limit values will be established for:

  • 56 – 560 kW : land based engines
  • >300 kW : inland waterway transport
  • All rail cars (note locomotives out of scope)
Mr Troppmann (DG-ENTR) confirmed that EU Com very keen on PMP activities. Have contracted JRC to study but 1-2 engines required, timing preparation until end 2014, testing during 1st half 2015.

Proposal as per Swiss ordinance : 1E+12 #/kWh – in line with PM limits as tried to correlate stringency of PM and PN limits.

J Andersson (Ricardo AEA) presented overview of NRMM situation and open questions –

  • eg Slide 11 – considering partial flow measurement instead of CVS
  • Open crankcase ventilation issues (slide 12) with oil mist via mini CVS to prevent damage to measurement side by analyser contamination. Noted blow-by gas measurement already required.
  • Areas for further study identified on slide 17.
Discussion of HD Euro 6 idea to move to raw PN measurement with extra fixed dilution stage prior to PND1. Not confirmed if this proposal is being taken forward.
  • <56kW : PN will apply for CI engines only
  • >56kW : PN will apply to both CI and SI engines
  • Questions remain on CNG SI and CNG CI dual fuel engines
  • Fuel = 10 ppm S

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