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Proposed amendments addressing GRE-70 agenda item 14c concerning non-replaceable filament lamps
Document GRE-70-39
22 October 2013

UK proposal to address concerns raised in the series of proposals to insert provisions for the use of incandescent light sources in the case of light source modules and lamps with non-replaceable light sources.

Submitted by UK
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
14. (e) Clarifications

52. The expert from the UK, introduced GRE-70-39, proposing amendments to the ten documents listed above in reply to European Commission letter (GRE-70-22) stating concerns with GRE documents submitted for WP.29 adoption. GRE agreed on the proposed corrections and requested the secretariat to submit the document as an informal document for consideration at the November 2013 session of WP.29.

Relates to UN R4 | UN R6 | UN R7 | UN R23 | UN R38 | UN R50 | UN R77 | UN R87 | UN R91 | UN R119 |