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Proposal for a corrigendum to Revision 7-Corrigendum 2 Regulation No. 13
Document GRRF-75-35
16 September 2013

Proposal to correct typographical errors in Corrigendum 2 to Revision 7 of UN R13 wherein the symbols s, s’ and so were erroneously transcribed.

Submitted by CLEPA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) | Automated Connections between Vehicles (ACV)
3. (c) | Clarifications
3. (e) | Other business

14. GRRF requested the secretariat to take the proposed editorial corrections to Revision 7 of Regulation No.13 in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2013/14, GRRF-75-06 and GRRF-75-35, proposing editorial corrections to Revision 7 of Regulation No. 13 into consideration while preparing Revision 8 of the Regulation. GRRF agreed to resume consideration of these documents at its next session.

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