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Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 110
Document GRSG/2013/7
31 January 2013

Text prepared by the Chair of the Task Force on Liquefied Natural Gas vehicles to introduce type-approval provisions for vehicles equipped with LNG propulsion systems. The proposal has been prepared as a new consolidated version (Revision 3) of UN Regulation No. 110.

Status: Superseded
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4.7.5. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 110 (CNG vehicles)

59. Agenda item 4.7.5., Regulation No. 110, document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/101, (see WP.29-161-05):
Page 12, definitions 4.70. to 4.76., renumber as definitions 4.68. to 4.74.

Page 13, paragraph 5.3.1. (including footnote 10), amend the footnote 10 to read:
“10 [n] stands for the sample size and shall be determined by the Type Approval Authority.”

Page 16, paragraph 8.13.1., amend to read:

“8.13.1.The LNG tank shall be equipped at least with the following components, which may be either separate or combined (special care shall be taken to prevent LNG trapping):”

Page 16, insert a new paragraph, to read:

“ valve;”

Page 16, paragraph (former), renumber as paragraph

Page 16, paragraph 8.13.3., correct to read:

“8.13.3.The components mentioned in paragraphs to (above) shall be type approved pursuant to the provisions laid down in Annex 4 to this Regulation.”

Page 24, insert new paragraphs 18.6.1. to, to read:

“18.6.1.Automatic valve automatic valve shall be installed in the fuel supply line, directly on every LNG tank (in a protected position). automatic valve shall be operated such that the fuel supply is cut off when the engine is switched off, irrespective of the position of the ignition switch, and shall remain closed while the engine is not running. A delay of 2 seconds is permitted for diagnostic.”

Page 24, paragraphs 18.6.1. to 18.6.3. (former), renumber as paragraphs 18.6.2. to 18.6.4.

Page 25, paragraph 18.6.4. (former), renumber as paragraph 18.6.5. and amend to read:

“18.6.5.Manual fuel shut off valve
The manual fuel shut off valve shall be mounted directly on the LNG tank (in a protected position). It should be readily accessible. The manual fuel shut off valve can be integrated into the automatic valve.”

Page 25, paragraphs 18.6.5. to 18.6.7. (former), renumber as paragraphs 18.6.6. to 18.6.8.

Page 26, paragraph 18.10.3., correct the reference to “Annex 4F1” to read “Annex 4F”.

Page 28, insert a new paragraph 24.3., to read:

“24.3.Type approvals of components other than fuel rail, as defined in paragraph 4.74., granted according to the original version of this Regulation, shall remain valid and shall be accepted for the purpose of their installation on vehicles.”

Page 28, paragraphs 24.3. to 24.5. (former), renumber as paragraphs 24.4. to 24.6.

Page 28, paragraph 24.6. (former), renumber the as paragraph 24.7. and amend the references to paragraphs 24.4. and 24.5. to read paragraphs 24.5. and 24.6.

Pages 40 and 41, Annex 1B, items to, correct the footnote 1 (former) to read footnote 2 and footnote 2 (former) to read footnote 1.

Page 48, Annex 2B – Addendum, paragraphs 1.22.2., 1.23.2., 1.24.2., 1.25.2., 1.26.2., 1.27.2., 1.28.2., 1.29.2., 1.30.2. and 1.31.2., correct the wording “Working pressure(s)1:” to read “Material:”.

Page 53, Annex 3A, paragraphs 2. and 3., correct the references to “page 6” and “page 12”
to read “page 2” and “page 7” respectively.

Page 68, Annex 3A, Table 6.7, first column, tenth row, correct the wording “Working
pressure change ≤ 20 per cent” to read “Working pressure change ≤ 20 per cent @” (inserting a reference to note @).

Page 86, paragraphs A.22. to A.24., correct the references (3 times) to “Annex 3” to read
“Annex 3A”.

Page 91, the numbering of the annex, correct “Annex 3 – Appendix D” to read “Annex 3A – Appendix D”.

Page 96, Annex 3A – Appendix F, the note to paragraph F.2.2., correct the figure “36 MPa” to read “26 MPa”.

Page 103, Annex 3A – Appendix H, paragraph H.6.(a), correct to read:

“(a)Pressure cycle
As defined in the test sequence, cylinder shall be hydraulically pressure cycled between not less than 2 MPa and not more than 26 MPa. The total cycle shall be …”

Page 109, Annex 3B, paragraph 4.1., correct to read (re-insert paragraph numbering 4.2.):

The design of tanks shall cover all relevant aspects that are necessary to ensure that every tank produced according to the design is fit for its purpose for the specified service life.
This Regulation does not provide …”

Page 110, Annex 3B, paragraph 4.6.(b), correct the wording “the external vessel surfaces” to read “the external tank surfaces”.

Page 112, Annex 3B, paragraph 4.15.1., correct the reference to paragraph 6.11. to read paragraph 4.11.

Page 118, Annex 3B – Appendix C, paragraph C.5., correct the wording “to cause cylinder material damage” to read “to cause tank material damage”.

Page 119, Annex 3B – Appendix D, item 6., correct the wording “Serial number: from to inclusive” to read “Serial number: from …… to …… inclusive ……”.

Page 122, Annex 4A, paragraph 7.3., correct the reference to paragraph 2 to read paragraph 3.

Page 142, Annex 4B, paragraph, correct the reference to paragraph to read paragraph

Page 143, Annex 4B, paragraph, correct the reference to paragraph to read paragraph

Page 143, Annex 4B, paragraph, correct the reference to paragraph to read paragraph

Page 144, Annex 4B, paragraph, correct the reference to paragraph to read paragraph

Page 151, Annex 4F, footnote 1, correct “Road vehicles Compressed Natural Gas” to read “Road vehicles Compressed Natural Gas”.

Page 158, Annex 4J, paragraph, correct the wording “completion of the room temperature cycles” to read “completion of the high temperature cycles”.

Page 165, Annex 4N, paragraph 6.4., correct the wording “The LNG non-return valve” to read “The LNG manual valve”.

Page 176, Annex 5E, paragraph 2., correct the reference to “ISO CD 15500-2” to read “ISO 15500-2”.

[The proposal in document WP.29/2013/101 was adopted pursuant to the corrections specified in the informal document WP.29-161-05, including the specification for the installation of an automatic shut-off valve on LNG tanks.]

8. | Gaseous Fuelled Vehicles (GFV)

50. The Chair of the informal group on GFV reported on the work progress made by the group (GRPE-66-26). He explained that the work of the Heavy Duty Dual-Fuel Task Force (HDDF TF) focused on the proposals discussed under agenda items 4(c) (UN Regulation No. 49). The GFV group also developed the proposals discussed under agenda item 5 (UN Regulation No. 115) and the request by the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG) to GRPE to review, with respect to environmental issues, the proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 110 (specific equipment for CNG/LNG) adopted at its 104th session (GRPE-66-05). He explained that forthcoming work of the GFV group will be aimed to develop a new UN Regulation for heavy duty dual-fuel retrofit.

51. Focusing on the GRSG request, the GFV Chair briefly introduced GRPE-66-20 and GRPE-66-27, prepared by the Liquefied Natural Gas Task Force (LNG-TF). The documents contain information on environmental aspects underlying the GRSG request to GRPE concerned the issue of venting Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) into the atmosphere.

8. | Regulation No. 110 (Specific components for CNG)

35. On behalf of the task force on Liquefied Natural Gas vehicles (LNG), the expert from the Netherlands introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/7 proposing to insert into UN Regulation No. 110 new provisions for vehicles using LNG in their propulsion systems. He also presented GRSG-104-34, GRSG-104-35, GRSG-104-36, GRSG-104-37 and GRSG-104-38 proposing further improvements to the text as agreed by the task force during its meeting on 15 April 2013, prior to the GRSG session. GRSG noted GRSG-104-32 justifying the need for such amendments as well as GRSG-104-33 listing a number of questions and answers on general LNG background issues.

36. GRSG acknowledged the work done by the LNG task force and considered ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/7 in detail. GRSG adopted the document, as reproduced in GRSG-104-44, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2013 sessions as draft Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110, subject to a final review of GRSG-104-44 by the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) at its forthcoming session in June 2013, particularly on environmental issues.

37. The expert from CLEPA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/10 proposing to introduce into UN Regulation No. 110 type approval provisions for electronic control units (ECUs). GRSG adopted the document, as amended, and agreed to reflect the adopted text in GRSG-104-44, mentioned above.

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