Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 3 |
Reference Number: WP.29/2013/13 |
Proposal to amend the geometric visibility provisions. |
Document date: 21 Dec 12 |
Document status: Adopted text published |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 3 | Retro-reflecting Devices. |
View full document file for more information |
Proposal for editorial correction to document GRE/2012/42 |
Reference Number: GRE-68-02/Rev.2 |
This document contains editorial corrections to document GRE/2012/42 to amend the geometric visibility provisions of Regulations No. 3, 6, 7, 48, 77 and 91 following a review with the GRE secretariat to ensure that the proposal aligns with the latest state of the regulations. |
Submitted by: GTB |
Document date: 07 Nov 12 |
Document status: Superseded |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 6 | Direction Indicators, UN Regulation No. 3 | Retro-reflecting Devices, UN Regulation No. 7 | Position, Stop and End-outline Lamps, UN Regulation No. 48 | Installation of Lighting and Lighting-Signalling Equipment, UN Regulation No. 77 | Parking Lamps, and UN Regulation No. 91 | Side-Marker Lamps. |
View full document file for more information |
Proposal for Supplement 15 to the original version of Regulation No. 91 |
Reference Number: WP.29/2013/40 |
Text as adopted by the Working Party on Lighting and Light Signalling (GRE) at its 68th session to amend the geometric visibility provisions. |
Document date: 09 Jan 13 |
Document status: Adopted text published |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 91 | Side-Marker Lamps. |
View full document file for more information |
Proposal for Supplement 16 to the original version of Regulation No. 77 |
Reference Number: WP.29/2013/39 |
Text as adopted by the Working Party on Lighting and Light Signalling (GRE) at its 68th session to amend the geometric visibility provisions. |
Document date: 09 Jan 13 |
Document status: Adopted text published |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 77 | Parking Lamps. |
View full document file for more information |
GRE/2012/42 is a GTB proposal to amend the geometric visibility provisions. This document corrects GRE/2012/42 in line with the latest state of the subject regulations including amendments submitted for consideration at the November WP.29 session.
WP.29/2013/13 | |
GRE-68-02/Rev.2 | |
WP.29/2013/40 | |
WP.29/2013/39 |