23. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Co-Chair of the IWG on ITS, reported (WP.29-194-21) on the outcome of the two sessions of the group that took place since the June 2024 session of WP.29. He recalled WP.29 that the IWG on ITS exchanged views on Artificial Intelligence in the context of WP.29 activities. He explained that the group endorsed the document submitted by the TF on Vehicular Communication and submitted it to WP.29 (see WP.29-194-23 titled Vehicular Communications Definition, Types, Value, Uses, and Considerations) and that the group started initial discussions on future activities on vehicular communications based on that document.
24. WP.29 welcomed the document and requested the secretariat to distribute it with an official symbol at its next session. WP.29 noted that the document contained a number of potential use cases, and that exchange should continue to identify these use cases that would be implemented in the near future and the possible role of WP.29 to support their deployment. WP.29 agreed to reflect, following the suggestion of the representatives of the Netherlands and the Russian Federation, on the possible organization of a repository of guidance and reference documents adopted by WP.29.