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UN R92: Proposal for a Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Document GRBP/2024/21
3 July 2024

Proposal to clarify the requirements for non-original replacement exhaust silencing systems (NORESS).

Submitted by EC, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, and UK
Status: Formal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. | UN Regulation No. 92 (Replacement Exhaust Silencing Systems for Motorcycles)
12. | Other business

41. The expert from IMMA introduced a draft document for reference with industry guidelines on the antitampering provisions for Non-Original Replacement Exhaust Systems (NORESS) in UN Regulation No. 92 (GRBP-77-20). GRBP experts generally supported the document and made several suggestions for improvement. GRBP agreed to revert to this issue at the next session in order to update the document and later publish it as a document of reference on the GRBP website.

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