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Data Catalogues for Automated Driving Systems
Document WP.29-191-22
13 November 2023
Submitted by ITU
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

32. The representative of ITU presented WP.29-191-22, a proposal for establishing Terms of Reference (ToR) for an effort to analyse if new data catalogues were needed, e.g. a data catalogue for Automated Driving Systems (ADS). He stated that creating a data catalogue required strong communication between the user and IT world, and therefore, the ToR should be developed from the technical-organisational side.

33. The representative of France welcomed the proposal by ITU and supported having further discussions on this item, to reach agreement on the appropriate timing and the potential content of such catalogues, among others. He informed WP.29 that France had a database for different automated driving scenario that they would present at the next IWG on Validation Method for Automated Driving (VMAD) meeting.

34. The representative of Japan asked for clarification if this item had been already discussed in subgroup 1 (SG1) of the IWG on VMAD and stressed that duplication of work should be avoided.

35. The representative of ITU confirmed that this topic had been discussed at SG 1 of the IWG on VMAD and stressed that this work was necessary to support the IWG on VMAD. He stated that the IWG on VMAD discussed that there could be the need for a scenario catalogue, but it would not be created by the IWG on VMAD due to time constraints, and that there would be difficulties to maintain such catalogue.

36. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reminded WP.29 of WP.29-178-29 and stated that other catalogues, created by other groups, already existed. He highlighted that United Kingdom was still considering whether it is necessary for the UNECE to have a dedicated scenario database and highlighted recent discussions in VMAD. He pointed out that if WP.29 would agree to create a catalogue, it needed to be considered how it would be used, and who would take responsibility and take care of the maintenance.

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