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Artificial intelligence: Comments on GRVA/2023/17
Document GRVA-17-26
23 September 2023
Submitted by Germany
Status: Informal GR review
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3. | Artificial Intelligence in vehicles

6. The representative of OICA presented the proposal for a draft resolution with guidance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of road vehicles (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/17, as amended by GRVA‑17-04), prepared together with the support of the secretariat. The proposal included a preamble, definitions on AI in the context of vehicle regulations, a review of AI use cases in vehicles and the potential impact of AI on the News Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving.

7. The delegations from Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany (GRVA-17-26) and the United States of America provided comments. The representatives of AVERE, ITU and FIA supported the document. The representative of OICA submitted GRVA-17-04/Rev.1, a revised proposal including the comments received. Following bilateral discussions during the week, the representative of OICA submitted
GRVA-17-04/Rev.2, as the final outcome of all consultations during the week.

8. GRVA agreed to transmit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/17, as amended by GRVA-17-04/Rev.2, to the WP.29 November 2023 session as an informal document for information and for guidance on the next steps under this agenda item.

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