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RE3: Proposal for a Supplement 1 to Revision 7
Document GRBP-78-08
28 July 2023

Proposal from the informal group on Measurement Uncertainties to introduce provisions on exterior noise measurements when performing type-approval, COP or, field testing (e.g., market surveillance).

Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. UN Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N categories of vehicles)

6. The experts of IWG MU presented a proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (GRBP-78-08). The experts from France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom commented on the proposal. In view of these comments and of the need to consult with the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG), GRBP agreed to revert to GRBP-78-08 at its next session.

9. Proposals for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles

34. GRBP recalled the discussion reflected in paragraph 6 above.

Related and Previous Documents
Relates to RE3: Vehicle Construction |