This proposal would revise the transitional provisions of the proposed 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 (see GRB/2012/2). OICA believes the preceding text may create problems in the granting or accepting of type approvals under the previous series.
9. The expert from OICA presented GRB-55-18 introducing draft transitional provisions of the 03 series of amendments to the UN Regulation No. 51 (GRB-55-09). However, GRB did not support the proposal because it was not in line with the Revision 2 to UN Regulation No. 51 and with the general guidelines on transitional/administrative provisions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/152). The expert from OICA withdrew GRB-55-09 and GRB offered to make a proposal based on Revision 2 of Regulation 51 and the general guideline at its September 2012 session.