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Harmonization of OBD Communication Protocols
Document GRPE-89-21
26 May 2023
Submitted by AAPC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
13. Lifetime compliance

94. The representative of AAPC introduced GRPE-89-21. He requested guidance from GRPE on the best way to proceed to ensure full harmonization for OBD communication protocols in all regulatory tools under GRPE’s purview.

95. The representative of OICA confirmed that for light-duty vehicles, UN Regulations Nos. 83 and 154 were up to date, with a proposal to update UN GTR No. 15 expected for the next session of GRPE. He acknowledged SAE was the leading body on harmonized OBD communication protocols and highlighted the importance to be able to read Data Trouble Codes (DTCs) during periodic technical inspections.

96. The Vice-Chair mentioned OBD were used more widely than for emission related purposes, and that the newly created Vehicular Communication Task Force might be a good place to consider this topic if need be. The representative of OICA invited to reach out to SAE to know more about other OBD applications.

Relates to GTR No. 5 | UN R83 | UN R154 |