37. The expert from France, Co-Chair of the Task Force on the Fitness for ADS of GRVA Regulations and Global Technical Regulations (TF on FADS), presented GRVA-16-33. He recalled the request from WP.29 to review UN Global Technical Regulations (GTRs) and UN Regulations regarding their fitness for ADS. He detailed the screening process and reported on the activities of the task force as well as on the outcome of the recent meeting hosted in Tianjin, China. He also reported on the results of the screening performed by the other subsidiary bodies of WP.29 to date, he provided a summary of open issues identified during the screening process and gave an outlook on the next possible steps. He recommended to start working on amendments for fully automated vehicles right after the screening task was completed, to be followed by amendments for the dual mode vehicles.
38. The expert from France answered to the questions received. He clarified that the active safety regulations (UN Regulations Nos. 131, 140, 152) would not be fit for ADS in the sense that an authority could not grant a type-approval for ADS vehicles based on these regulations. He detailed, upon request, that remote driving was not considered by the task force as it was not part of the existing regulations to date. He explained that UN Regulation No. 89 (speed limitation device) would require special consideration.
39. GRVA commended the work done and requested that a report is prepared for WP.29 in June 2023. GRVA suggested two alternatives to WP.29 regarding the follow-up activities, either direct coordination by WP.29 or continuation of the task force activities. GRVA recommended that open issues and fundamental questions were presented to WP.29, together with the potential answers and guidance to facilitate decision making. GRVA discussed planning and structure considerations. GRVA agreed to deal with the questions on slide 8 of GRVA-16-33 at its September 2023 session.