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Amendments to the ADAS Task Force Deliverables and Timings
Document GRVA-15-43
24 January 2023

Proposal from the task force to revise target dates leading to GRVA approval of the text for a new UN Regulation on driver-control assistance systems (DCAS) during its January 2024 session (indicating possible adoption of the regulation by WP.29 during its June 2024 session with entry into force in December 2024).

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and UN Regulation No. 79
6. (a) Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

87. The Chair of the Task Force on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), reported on the progress made by the group on the drafting of a new UN Regulation on Driver-Control Assistance Systems (DCAS). He details the potential benefits of “hands off systems” complemented by “eyes on” considerations. He described the progress made by the group on the drafting of the master document and on the development of DCAS validation. He noted that there were still open issues to be solved and therefore proposed amendments to the ADAS Task Force deliverables and timings (see GRVA-15-43). He also reported on the substantive presentation ADAS-17-05 of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), member of OICA, on their research on ADAS.

88. The expert from ITU, speaking on behalf of FISITA, stated that the work stream on DCAS was currently one of the most important deliverables of GRVA.

89. The expert from OICA offered to answer to any question related to the VDA study, if any. The expert from the Netherlands reiterated the interest of his country regarding the separation between ADS and ADAS.

90. The expert from Japan stated that the “eyes on” was an important topic and hoped to receive more information. He welcomed the outcome of scientific research in that field and encouraged experts to perform analysis of accidental data, as it would ease the work of contracting parties. He agreed to discuss Driver Monitoring System (DMS) at the Task Force.

91. The expert from Denmark cautioned that DMS might imply cameras and expressed concerns about persons monitoring and other privacy related topics. The expert from OICA mentioned that driver-facing cameras had been implemented in vehicles as a consequence of the 2019 General Safety Regulation in Europe, and stated that they were in line with the data privacy regulations valid in EU.

92. The experts from Germany, Japan, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and AVERE debated the strategies to deal with similar provisions in UN Regulation No. 79 and in the new DCAS regulation, to make sure that one regulation is not used to circumvent the provisions in the other (more recent) regulation. The expert from France compared this discussion to the one at the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) regarding Child Restraint Systems regulated in UN Regulation No. 44, then in UN Regulation No. 129.

93. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this topic at its next session. GRVA also agreed with the revised timeline in the Terms of Reference for the group, as reproduced in Annex III to the session report.

6. (a) Automatically Commanded Steering Function

52. The expert from the European Commission introduced GRVA-09-15, proposing revised Terms of Reference for the Task Force (TF) on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). He explained that the TF would work on amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 or a new Regulation as needed, that it would consider the use cases expected in the next years, that it would envisage a generic approach as well as Human Machine Interface (HMI), mode confusion, overreliance and misuse related concerns, in full coordination with the IWGs on FRAV and VMAD. He mentioned that the outcome of this work would be delivered in three phases, in September 2021 (finalization of pending proposals), in 2022 (second phase) and in 2023 (work under the 1998 Agreement).

53. The expert from AAPC recalled that UN Regulation No. 79 was only dealing with Advanced Driver Assistance Steering Systems (ADASS).

54. The expert from Japan expressed support for the ToR and committed to contribute to the work. He agreed about the importance to address HMI and social acceptance aspects and to review technical data and accidentology data. He mentioned that the USA, Canada and China included other systems than those covered in UN Regulation No. 79 on their markets and stated that 1998 Contracting Parties should participate to that work and provide data.

55. The expert from AVERE provided comments and expressed support for these activities. He presented GRVA-09-16, providing a report of the preliminary meeting of the Task Force on ADAS that developed the revised Terms of Reference.

56. The expert from Sweden expressed a positive position about the document. He mentioned that the scope of the TF would be complex and that the timing proposed was unsure. He wondered if the task force could work without ToR.

57. The expert from UK supported that work. He mentioned that the ToR established a plan and that they could be revisited as needed.

58. The expert from China agreed to join the meetings of the TF.

59. The expert from the Netherlands highlighted the challenging timeline proposed.

60. The expert from Germany supported the proposal.

61. The expert from China mentioned their readiness to work on ADAS including items beyond ADASS.

62. The expert from OICA recalled the aim of this workstream, that was to address the limitations of UN Regulation No. 79 e.g. new functions not fitting in existing definitions in UN Regulation No. 79 or longitudinal requirements that would not really fit in a steering regulation. He supported, for this reason, that the task force would focus on ADASS.

63. The expert from the United States of America expressed reservations. He recalled that UN Regulation No. 79 was about steering; going beyond that scope would get the work of the task force close to the one of the IWG on FRAV. He mentioned that there might be areas where ADAS and ADS are well separated by clear lines but that others don’t, such as HMI. He mentioned that if the group deliver a new UN Regulation by September 2021, then the group would be well ahead of the IWG on FRAV, so that it could prejudice the IWG’s work. He also mentioned that anticipating work on a UN GTR derived from a UN Regulation did not make sense.

64. The expert from OICA stated that ADAS and ADS had different scopes and recalled that their respective scopes had been defined at WP.29 level in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/2.

65. The expert from Canada expressed support to the position expressed by the United States of America. He requested that the session report reflected the concerns expressed in terms of organization, overlap and realistic timeframes.

66. GRVA took note of the reservations expressed, of the importance of coordination and adopted the proposal with the deletion of paragraph 2 in part C of the document, as reproduced in Annex IV to this report.

6. (c) Remote Control Manoeuvring
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