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Clarification of points regarding UN Regulation No. 154
Document GRPE-86-48
19 July 2022

Informal document GRPE-81-29 rev 1 was submitted to GRPE in June 2020 to clarify some elements surrounding the introduction of UN Regulation No. 154. This paper is updated here to add an additional clarification of the introductory provisions in the newly adopted 02 series of amendments. This document with tracked changes in word format and pdf version is also available.

Submitted by OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (a) | UN Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101, 103 and 154

26. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-86-31 seeking advice from GRPE on the Introductory Provision in the newly adopted 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 154 The representative from OICA agreed to prepare an updated reference document (GRPE-86-48) amending GRPE-81-29-Rev.1. GRPE-81-29-Rev.1 can be found in the “Documents for reference only (GRPE)” section of the GRPE webpage. The representative from Japan also sought clarification about the entry into force of the 03 series of amendments to UN regulation No. 154, expected in October. The secretariat said he will collect relevant information to be communicated to the representative of Japan.

3. (a) | UN Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101 and 103

9. The Chair briefly introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/92 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/93 that were submitted to the June 2020 session of WP.29 from EU and Japan as amendments to the new UN Regulation No. [154] on WLTP already adopted by GRPE during the January 2020 session. Both documents proposed changes to improve the text emerging from the development of Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15. GRPE noted the amendments and thanked the Informal Working Group (IWG) on WLTP and the Contracting Parties (CPs) involved in the preparation of these documents.

10. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-81-30 and GRPE-81-35, amended by GRPE-81-29-Rev.1 during the session. These documents contained clarifications to UN Regulation No. [154] on WLTP. As requested during the last session of GRPE (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/80, para. 15), these documents were aimed at providing guidance to future users of UN Regulation No. [154] on WLTP. The secretariat then introduced GRPE-81-36 presenting various options to provide visibility to such clarification / guidance documents. GRPE agreed to create a new section on the GRPE website, similar to those appearing in the GRE and GRBP sections, under " Documents for reference only", where GRPE-81-29-Rev.1 would be uploaded.

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