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UN GTR 3: Proposal for amendment 4
Document GRVA-11-29
27 September 2021

Proposal introducing provisions for the activation of the stop lamp under regenerative braking and updating the references to ASTM standards to enable the use of the new ASTM standard reference test tyre F2493 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC).

Submitted by Italy
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. (a) UN Global Technical Regulation No. 3

92. The expert from Italy recalled the purpose of GRVA-12-15 and presented GRVA-13-17 superseding it. He detailed the proposed harmonization of UN GTR No.3 with UN Regulation No. 78.

93. The expert from Canada explained that the technical requirements applicable in his country do not impose a deceleration threshold when a brake lamp must be lit. He noted that adding such a threshold in UN GTR No. 3 would require to provide justifications for such an amendment that would highlight the safety benefit associated to it, as well as details on the costs it would generate. He asked whether some background information regarding some definitions could be provided so that it would become clearer what systems fall in the scope of the definitions.

94. GRVA invited delegations to share information on the safety benefits and costs considerations related to the 1.3 m/s2 threshold for the brake light activation and on the genesis of the new definition proposed.

9. (a) UN Global Technical Regulation No. 3

85. The expert from Italy informed GRVA that he had submitted to the WP.29 secretariat in December 2021 a request for authorization to amend UN GTR No. 3, for consideration at the March 2022 session of AC.3. He detailed the technical matters to be addressed to harmonize UN Regulation No. 78 and UN GTR No. 3. He clarified that GRVA would be invited to consider introducing provisions for the activation of the stop lamp under regenerative braking and updating the references to ASTM standards to enable the use of the new ASTM standard reference test tyre F2493 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC). GRVA encouraged the expert from Italy to further discuss this item at the next AC.3 session.

86. GRVA agreed to keep GRVA-12-15 on the agenda as a reference document until its next GRVA session in May 2022.

9. (a) UN Global Technical Regulation No. 3

95. The expert from Italy informed GRVA (GRVA-11-29) of their intention to submit a proposal for amendments to UN GTR No. 3 at the next session of Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) that would propose to adapt UN GTR No. 3 to technical and standardization progress, introducing provisions for the activation of the stop lamp under regenerative braking and updating the references to ASTM standards to enable the use of the new ASTM standard reference test tyre F2493 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC). He asked for comments on that proposal. The expert from Canada explained that, in their view some further work would be needed, for example, on the definition proposed in para. 2.25. and other small items.

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