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(TF ADAS) Status report
Document GRVA-11-16
24 September 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) | Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

68. The expert from the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the Task Force on Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), introduced GRVA-11-16, with a status report of the activities performed by the group. He detailed the activities under the two workstreams on the review of amendment proposals to UN Regulation No. 79 and on the drafting of a new Regulation. He explained that the group was envisaging to develop a new UN Regulation on Dynamic Control Assistance Systems (DCAS), as a subset of ADAS, with a structure derived from the one of UN Regulation No. 157 and incorporating outcomes from the IWG on VMAD concerning audits and tests (including virtual testing). He confirmed that the draft was addressing both the DCAS performance and DCAS interactions with human drivers.

69. The expert from Finland mentioned the excellent work of the group, but was not sure whether the new UN Regulation should address DCAS or ADAS, as the name DCAS could suggest it would also address higher level of automation, as the word “driver” was missing in DCAS. He also raised the importance to involve the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1). The position was also supported by the experts from Sweden and Denmark.

70. The expert from the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on ADAS, clarified that the levels of automation envisaged were assistance levels according to the definitions provided in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1040 and that the group was developing an approval framework for systems around the driver, which would be useful to industry and would clarify the assistance that can be given to drivers.