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Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its Subsidiary Bodies
Document GRVA-11-09
22 September 2021
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
15. (a) | List of priorities concerning GRVA activities

118. GRVA reviewed GRVA-11-09, containing a copy of the draft document with the WP.29 Programme of Work for the year 2022.

119. GRVA reviewed GRVA-11-28 containing amendments to the row dedicated to ADAS activities in GRVA-11-09.

120. The expert from China, Vice-Chair of GRVA, suggested that clarifications were provided to avoid overlap between ADAS activities and FRAV activities. The experts from France and the United States of America supported it. GRVA addressed that comment under agenda item 11.

121. The expert from the United States of America requested that the text related to DSSAD and EDR was inserted in the document.

122. The expert from Japan requested that Japan was noted as initiator of the AEBS activities together with Germany.

123. The expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland requested that the row with ALKS indicated June 2022 as deadline.

124. The expert from Germany supported it and suggested that the European Commission was also noted as initiator for the ALKS activities.

125. The Secretary suggested to align the mandate date of the IWG on Cyber Security and OTA issues with the agreed date at WP.29, November 2022.

126. GRVA requested the secretariat to provide these suggestions to the Secretary to WP.29.