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Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders
Document GRSG-121-28
12 April 2021

This document discusses the feasibility of equipping heavy vehicle event data recorders (HVEDR) in motor coaches, buses and school buses and seeks feedback from interested parties on developing an UN regulation governing their requirements.

Submitted by Canada
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. Event Data Recorder

96. The expert from Canada, Co-Chair of IWG on EDR/DSSAD, presented the activities of the IWG concerning Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders (HVEDR), which discussed the feasibility of equipping HVEDR in motor coaches, buses and school buses, outlined research carried out in Canada in this respect and consequential recommendations, and sought feedback from interested parties on developing an UN Regulation governing their requirements (GRSG-121-28).

97. The expert from the Netherlands, Co-Chair of IWG on EDR/DSSAD, thanked the expert from Canada for sharing the research findings and expressed interest in further exchange or information and research findings concerning the application of HVEDR at the upcoming sessions of the IWG.

98. The expert from the United States of America, Co-Chair of IWG on EDR/DSSAD, also thanked the expert from Canada for sharing the findings of research carried out and looked forward for further discussions within the IWG, underlining that the United States of America could not support an initiative for drafting of a UN Regulation concerning HVEDR as there was no national mandate for such an activity at the time.

99. GRSG took note of the discussion concerning HVEDR and the work of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD in this respect, and expressed support for continued work on the subject matter based on consensus among Contracting Parties.

Relates to UN R160 | UN R169 |