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UN R46: Proposal for amendments
Document GRSG-121-19
9 April 2021

Proposal to align the requirements for the area of camera lenses special deflector geometry is necessary to improve the image quality captured by the camera. These deflectors are influencing or preventing air turbulences and through this are keeping rainwater and dirt particles away from the optical system.

Submitted by OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (a) | UN Regulation No. 46 (Devices for indirect vision)

36. The expert from OICA introduced document GRSG-122-08, a proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2021/18 on UN Regulation No.46. The document was proposing amendments to the text in paragraphs “22.22.”, to introduce new paragraphs “22.23.” and “22.26.” and to renumber existing paragraphs that have been affected by the new addition.

37. The expert from Germany presented a proposal to the 05 series of amendments of UN Regulation No. 46 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2021/18) aiming to update the existing proposal on general specification requirements by amending and introducing new paragraphs. Following his presentation, The Chair of GRSG inquired from the expert from Germany if he supported the proposal from OICA. The expert from Germany stated his support for the proposal with the exclusion of paragraph “22.26. “

38. The expert from Australia introduced himself as the current representative for GRSG but explained he is a participation in GRSG was new and transitory as plans are in place to have a permanent expert from Australia. He pointed out a typographical error in paragraph of the document, GRSG-122-08. He recalled that transitional provision under Article 1 of 1958 Agreement state that Contracting Parties applying a UN Regulation are expected to accept the latest version of the Regulation and asked if these Regulations go contrary to the treaty?

39. The expert from OICA clarified this by informing the expert from Australia that transitional provision is aligned to the guidance of the provisions in document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2044/Rev.3 and the 1958 Agreement does not require Contracting Parties to apply the latest series of amendment.

40. The experts from OICA, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands engaged in a detailed discussion concerning paragraphs “22.23.” and “22.26.” of document GRSG-122-08 and agreed to exclude paragraph “22.26.” from the informal document GRSG-122-08.

41. GRSG adopted document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2021/18 as amended by GRSG-122-08 (without paragraph 22.26.) and agreed for its submission at the March 2022 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

4. (a) | UN Regulation No. 46 (Devices for indirect vision)

39. The expert from Germany introduced a proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 46 (GRSG-121-18), proposing amendments to the text in paragraphs and, and with the aim of aligning the radii requirements for camera-monitor systems of UN Regulation No. 46 in line with the radii requirements of UN Regulation No. 26 and UN Regulation No. 61.

40. The expert from OICA presented a proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 46 (GRSG-121-19), with the aim to align requirements of the outer radius for a mirror system for indirect vision and a camera-monitor-device for indirect vision within UN Regulation No. 46. She invited the expert from Germany to develop a joint proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 46 for the October 2021 session of GRSG.

41. GRSG considered documents GRSG-121-18 and GRSG-121-19 proposing amendments to UN Regulation No. 46 and requested their submission as a consolidated official document for consideration at the October 2021 session of GRSG.

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