Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
98. The representative from the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD recalled the deliverables produced by the group in 2020: the DSSAD part of UN Regulation No. 157 and the work on a new UN Regulation on EDR. She informed WP.29 that the discussions on the document on EDR Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements related to the additional data-elements to be captured by an EDR had not been concluded by the group. She said the IWG welcomed any
guidance from WP.29 members on the elements in the document that were still in square brackets, but noted that document was not ready for final consideration by WP.29.
99. She requested extension of the mandate for the group until end of 2022. She noted that in 2020, the IWG focused its efforts almost entirely on drafting the UN regulation for EDRs and with that work completed, the group intended to focus on DSSAD as well as phase II of EDR, focusing on the extension of scope to heavy duty vehicles and buses in 2022.
100. The representative of the European Commission supported the extension of the IWG’s mandate and referred to the European Union programme of work that includes EDR related elements such as extension of scope to heavy duty vehicles in addition to DSSAD for automated vehicles.
101. The Chair of GRVA noted the close interlinkage of the activities of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD with IWGs on VMAD and FRAV. He urged the EDR/DSSAD IWG to prioritize the work on data storage systems for the calendar year ahead now that the EDR regulation had been sent to WP.29 and recalled that the mandate extensions for VMAD and FRAV would be addressed during the special session of AC.2 designated to the topic of vehicle automation.
102. WP.29 adopted the extension of the mandate for the IWG on EDR/DSSAD until 2022.