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Automated vehicles framework: Proposal for amendments to WP.29/2019/34/Rev.2
Document GRVA-09-42/Rev.1
5 February 2021
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. (d) Framework document on automated/autonomous vehicles (FDAV)

119. The Chair recalled the purpose of GRVA-08-26/Rev.1 and asked for comments. Following the consultations held during the week, he introduced GRVA-09-31, proposing amendments to the current version of the Framework Document for Automated Vehicles. The expert from the European Commission explained that he would welcome clarity on the nature of the deliveries: discussion papers, guidelines or regulatory text. GRVA exchanged views on the proposal. Consultations took place during the week and interested experts participating in these informal consultations produced GRVA-09-42 and then GRVA-09-42/Rev.1, which could not be fully reviewed by GRVA due to the lack of time.

120. The experts from USA noted that GRVA-09-42 and GRVA-09-42/Rev.1 were submitted by the expert from OICA. He explained that the online informal consultation meetings, which took place during that week and which lead to the drafting of GRVA-09-42 and Rev.1, included not only industry members but also representatives of Contracting Parties. He expressed support for these documents, as expert from USA and as Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV.

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