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PMP: Status report from IWG PMP
Document GRPE-82-35
14 January 2021

Status report from IWG PMP

Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)

39. The Chair of the IWG on PMP introduced GRPE-82-35 giving a status report of the activities of the IWG on PMP. On the topic of non-exhaust emissions, he highlighted the main outcomes from the workshop on brake wear emissions that was held in conjunction with the proper session of GRPE. The representative from the EC agreed that, as outlined during the workshop, a holistic vision to non-exhaust emissions from all sources would be the best solution, and that they were backing the first step to develop a methodology concerning specifically brake emissions test. The representative from the UK stated that they were contemplating such holistic vision to non-exhaust emissions with dedicated research projects on-going.

40. The representative from the Netherlands requested further information about timeline of research projects on brake emission measurement and how the outcomes of such projects would be included in the work of the IWG on PMP. The representative from the UK mentioned that on-going research for on-road measurement of brake emissions were expecting to provide results early in 2022, with further results in 2023. The Chair highlighted the importance of considering real-world patterns to ensure high representativeness of the test methodology. The Chair of the IWG on PMP explained that the simplified test in the lab contemplated by the IWG on PMP would deliver quicker results, and that further results from other testing approaches could be included at a later stage, with a possibility to alter the methodology and timeline.

41. The Chair asked further information about the inclusion of heavy duty vehicles braking system into the methodology. The Chair of the IWG on PMP confirmed the intention to consider heavy duty braking systems, probably with a priority on urban applications initially. He noted that the methodology for heavy duty vehicles braking systems is likely to be significantly altered compared with light duty applications given the different technologies sued in heavy duty braking systems compared with light duty applications.

42. The Chair informed GRPE about discussions that happened during the last WP.29/AC.2 session with respect to the management of intellectual property rights in IWGs. He informed further discussions are expected that might lead to some specific provisions to be included in the Terms of References of IWGs.

43. Finally, the Chair of the IWG on PMP announced that he will hand over the Chair position for the IWG on PMP at the next GRPE session and requested GRPE to approach he IWG on PMP leadership team for any potential candidate for the position. He underlined that a new Chair would be introduced to GRPE at its next session in June 2021.

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