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Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48
Document WP.29/2011/99
29 July 2011

Proposal concerning the retention of headlamp initial aiming. Due to reservations raised over the unusually long transition periods, this proposal was returned to the Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling for further consideration.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. | Terms of Reference
4.6. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations submitted by GRE

55. Under agenda item 4.6.5 (UN Regulation No. 48), the World Forum agreed to defer consideration of document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/99 and Corr.1 to its June 2012 session, subject to a final review by GRE at its March 2012 session.

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