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Proposal for amendments to the WP.29 Programme of Work for 2021
Document WP.29-182-17
10 November 2020
Submitted by EC
Status: Informal WP.29 review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.2. | Programme of work and documentation

35. The Secretary of WP.29 presented the revised programme of work with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related to the implementation of the ITC strategy 2030 and among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/1/Rev.2).

36. WP.29 adopted the revised programme of work of WP.29 and Subsidiary Bodies based on document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/1/Rev2. Further amendments may be introduced in the 2021 programme of work for consideration at the March 2021 WP.29 session, based on input to be provided by GR Chairs.

37. The expert of the European Union introduced WP.29-182-17, the European Union’s proposal for amendments to the programme of Work related to GRVA priorities for the year 2021. WP.29 proposed GRVA to consider this proposal at its December 2020 ad-hoc session when discussing the revision of the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.

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