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Status report of the DETA informal working group
Document WP.29-182-14
9 November 2020

Report to 182nd WP.29 session from the 39th IWG on DETA meeting.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

96. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, updated the World Forum concerning the work of the IWG at its thirty-ninth session, held on 04 November 2020. He proposed that WP.29 consider and endorse the Guidelines for the use of DETA with regard to the exchange of information on Cyber Security (WP.29-182-07)

97. WP.29 endorsed informal document WP.29-182-07.

98. The Secretary updated WP.29 on the situation for hosting DETA at UNECE recalling the blocking of regular budget funding at the Administrative and Budget Committee (Fifth Committee) of the UN General Assembly. He proposed to seek alternative funding possibilities in close cooperation with interested Contracting Parties and stakeholders.

99. WP.29 noted that the development of additional functionalities, Unique Identifier, UI, and Declaration of Conformity, DoC, funded by private sector stakeholders was blocked due to contractual issues. OICA, CLEPA, ETRTO and CITA confirmed their continued availability to fund these developments but asked for support from UNECE to overcome contracting issues as soon as possible; OICA referred to the WHDC (World Harmonised Driving Cycle for heavy duty vehicles) which included, some 20 years ago, a test programme funded by industry and suggested that it could be useful to review the contracting procedures that were used at that time.

Relates to DETA | UN R155 |