Draft amendments to the GRSG proposal for the 01 series of amendments concerning virtual/digital keys.
50. The expert from OICA informed GRSG about the progress of work and discussions that had taken place at meetings of the Task Force on Key Definition (GRSG-119-28), related to the definition and other aspects of “Digital Key”. She explained the need to further develop the proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 116 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/24), as there was still a need to reach consensus on several open matters, as listed in GRSG-119-28. In this respect, the aim of the Task Force was to submit a revision of the official document (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/24) to the April 2021 session of GRSG. She invited delegates to submit proposals and comments to the Task Force.
51. GRSG decided to continue consideration of document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/24, concerning the definition of keys, on the basis of a revised proposal, at its April 2021 session.
GRSG/2020/24 |