12. The representative from EC, drafting coordinator for WLTP activities, introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2020/14, as amended by GRPE-81-14, as draft Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15, together with its technical report (GRPE-81-15). The Chair from the IWG on Particulate Measurement Protocol (PMP) also presented GRPE-81-10 introducing revisions also to be included in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2020/14 as part of Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15 on a supplementary methodology to measure sub-23nm particulates. The Chair of the IWG on PMP also introduced GRPE-81-11 providing explanatory note on the sub-23nm procedure part of Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15. He also informed GRPE that GRPE-81-11 had been included in the technical report of Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15 (GRPE-81-11 is included in GRPE-81-15).
13. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2020/14, GRPE-81-14 and GRPE-81-10 as amended by Addendum 1 to this chair’s notes. GRPE also adopted the technical report (GRPE-81-15) as reproduced in Annex V. GRPE requested the secretariat to submit Addendum 1 and Annex V to WP.29 and Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) for consideration and vote at their November 2020 sessions as draft Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
GRPE-81-10 | |
GRPE/2020/14 |