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UN R129: Proposal for amendment
Document GRSP-65-06
9 May 2019

Proposal to introduce chest vertical acceleration (Az) criteria until such time as upper neck tension Force (Fz) and upper neck flexion moment (My) criteria can be established.

Submitted by ANEC, CI, and Global NCAP
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
20. | UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)

41. GRSP agreed to defer discussion on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/19 and amendment GRSP-66-28 to its May 2020 session. The expert from the Netherlands also withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/36. The expert from CLEPA introduced three proposals : (a) to provide instructions to consumers in a digital form (GRSP-66-11), (b) on essential measurement information to be recorded in the type approval system (GRSP-66-12) and (c) to improve the procedure for assessment of the external dimensions of ECRS (GRSP-66-13). GRSP agreed to hold informal documents GRSP-66-11, GRSP-66-12 and GRSP-66-13 and wait for possible new documents at its May 2020 session.

19. | UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)

35. The expert from GlobalNCAP also introduced GRSP-65-06 proposing limit values for the chest vertical acceleration of Q-dummies during dynamic testing of Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (ECRS). The expert from CLEPA expressed general concern and raised a time reservation. The expert from United Kingdom stated that a permanent solution was needed. He added that this was not the case to implement the chest vertical acceleration but rather to develop the upper neck tension force on the basis of available data. The expert from EC stated that discussion should be deferred until data was available. The expert from CLEPA expressed similar view and suggested collecting support data before the December 2019 session of GRSP. The Chair of GRSP suggested to create a TF led by a representative of a contracting party to coordinate efforts. GRSP agreed, in principle, with the proposal of Chair and agreed to resume discussion at its December 2019 session on the basis of the outcome of above-mentioned TF research. At the same time GRSP requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-65-06 with an official symbol at its next session.

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