91. The representative of OICA introduced WP.29-176-25, and referred to the discussion of WP.29 at its previous session on the difficulties for obtaining extensions to existing type approvals. He recalled the decision of WP.29 to grant a transitional provision to a number of UN Regulations (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1139, paras. 64-65). He explained that some GRs had already drafted amendments to insert the new transitional provision covering the period until the date of 31 December 2019. He concluded that such amendments were not necessary as they are covered by the decision of WP.29 and that these amendments were unlikely to enter into force by the end of 2019.
92. WP.29 confirmed this interpretation and that amendment proposals prepared by GRSG for introducing those transitional provisions would not need to be put forward for adoption by WP.29. On this occasion, WP.29 recalled that as of 1.1.2020, the new guidelines under Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement must be applied to all UN Regulations.