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UN R90: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments
Document GRVA-01-41
27 September 2018

Proposal to align the provisions of UN R90 related to approval numbers and markings with the provisions of Schedule 4 to the 1958 Agreement.

Submitted by CLEPA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. (b) International Whole Vehicle Type Approval

62. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2019/11 aimed at addressing the issue raised in WP.29-176-19. The expert from CLEPA expressed reservations because customs could be confused by the introduction of differences between the Approval Number and the Approval Code proposed in this document. The expert from Spain mentioned that UN Regulation No. 90 was used in various countries not being Contracting Party to the 1958 Agreement and that therefore the issue raised concerning customs could be valid. The expert from Spain stated that Transitional Provisions could be added to the document. The expert from CLEPA stated the need to first test the markets with this new approach and agreed to undertake a study. The expert from the Russian Federation agreed to submit a revised proposal for consideration at the September 2019 session of GRVA.

12. UN Regulation No. 90
13. Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
13. (b) International Whole Vehicle Type Approval

58. The secretariat briefly informed GRVA on the activities of the IWG on International Whole Vehicle Type Approval and especially the discussion on the new format of approval numbers specified in Schedule 4 of the 1958 Agreement. The expert from the Russian Federation tabled a proposal aimed at addressing this issue for UN Regulation No. 90 (GRVA-01-15). The expert from CLEPA tabled an alternative proposal (GRVA-01-41). GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this item at its next session.

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