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UN R109: Proposal for amendments
Document GRRF-86-24
9 February 2018

Pursuant to Supplement 21 to UN R54 replacing PSI with kPa to indicate tyre inflation pressures, UN R109 requires updating. This proposal would allow both markings under UN R109 because the life cycle of the carcasses spans several years.

Submitted by ETRTO
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.8.7. Proposal for Supplement 9 to UN Regulation No. 109 (Retreaded tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers)
7. (f) Tyres: Regulations Nos. 108 and 109

33. The expert from France presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/9, aimed at harmonizing the definitions and provisions in Regulation No. 109 with those introduced in UN Regulations Nos. 30, 54 and 117. The expert from ETRTO introduced GRRF-86-24, proposing amendment to this proposal. GRRF adopted the proposal as amended by Annex VI (of the session report) and requested the secretariat to submit it as draft supplement 9 (note: corrected by GAR from Supplement 4 in the published report.) to UN Regulation No. 109. GRRF requested the secretariat to address corrections to the French version of the document suggested by the expert from France.

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