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Incorporation of LED light sources in the new Regulation for Road Illumination Devices (RID)
Document GRE-77-14
30 March 2017

Discussion paper concerning modifications to the draft proposal for a new UN Regulation on road illumination devices in order to achieve the aims of GRE/2016/34 which proposed amendments to Regulations 19, 98, 112, 113 and 123.

Submitted by GTB
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. | Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations

14. Pending the outcome of the discussion on light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources (see agenda item 5, paras. 17-19), GRE agreed to postpone consideration of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/14, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/15 and GRE-78-04.

5. | Regulations Nos. 37, 99, 128 and RE5

15. The expert from GTB presented proposals for amendments to Regulation No. 128 and to the Consolidated Resolution (R.E.5) that introduce a new LED light source category for forward lighting applications (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/5, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/6, GRE-77-04, GRE-77-12, GRE-77-13). He explained that GTB had abandoned the concept of “thermal grade” and instead proposed the introduction of a maximum test temperature to ensure interchangeability between approved light sources from different manufacturers. GRE also noted the proposal by GTB to incorporate LED light sources into the new RID Regulation (GRE-77-14).

16. The expert from UK requested more time to study the proposals. The expert of Germany proposed modifications to the notion of “maximum test temperature”. GRE decided to revert to this issue at the next session and invited GRE experts to study the proposals and to send their comments to GTB and IWG SLR.

Related and Previous Documents
Relates to UN R19 | UN R98 | UN R112 | UN R113 | UN R123 | UN R149 |