Proposal to correct mistranslation of the original English into the Russian version of the text. In the English text, paragraph 2.2.27 of Annex 12 uses the word “travel”. The corresponding word in Russian language should be “ход”. The proposal is aimed at ensuring that the English and Russian texts are equivalent.
82. The World Forum considered the draft corrigenda under item 4.11.1 and recommended its submission to AC.1 for voting.
10. The expert from the Russian Federation presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/25 proposing the alignment of the Russian text with the French and English versions. GRRF agreed with the proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it as draft Corrigendum to Revision 8 of Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle Braking) to WP.29 and AC.1 at their March 2017 sessions.
GRRF/2016/25 |