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Statement of Edward Nam, Director Air Quality and Modeling Center Office of Transportation and Air Quality U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Document WP.29-168-17
9 March 2016
Submitted by US EPA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.1. | Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems

79. The World Forum was informed about the latest developments related to the Volkswagen (VW) case.

80. The representative of Germany recalled the testing programme developed by the German type approval authority, Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA), to identify whether different brand vehicles contained prohibited defeat devices. He mentioned that the investigations are ongoing and, therefore no information on the results could be shared yet. He reported that the recall programme of the affected VW vehicles had already been initiated in Germany for a first vehicle type.

81. The representative of the United States of America (USA) introduced WP.29-168-17 to further update on the Notices Of Violation (NOV) sent by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Volkswagen alleging that vehicles sold in the United States of America included software that circumvent EPA regulations. He reported that EPA continues to coordinate with the California Air Resources Board and Environment Canada on testing, and the investigation by the enforcement authorities of EPA is ongoing. He announced that EPA incorporated additional, unpredictable test procedures in response to the VW violations.

82. The representative of the Russian Federation reported on a national VW recall campaign conducted in line with a joint programme of the national competent authorities and the VW company, in the spirit of transparency and partnership.

83. The representative of the European Commission (EC) reported on three different areas of work. First, he informed about the adoption of the first and second package of new Real Driving Emissions procedure (RDE). Second, he updated WP.29 on the new legislation proposed to revise the type approval framework, currently under ordinary procedure in the Council and the Parliament. Third, he recalled the ongoing testing performed in some EU Member States in order to exchange information and views on the performance of vehicles when tested under different conditions.

84. As regards CO2 emissions, the EC representative stated that with the introduction of the World Light duty Test Procedures (WLTP), more realistic measurement results are expected.

85. He recalled the activities of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission on testing methodologies for detecting so-called defeat devices.

86. The representative of Canada informed WP.29 about the ongoing investigation and additional testing taking place in close collaboration with EPA.

87. The representative of Japan reported that no defeat devices had been identified in his country and expressed his willingness to start dealing with RDE and to share information with other countries.

Relates to Enforcement and Compliance |