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Status report of the GFV informal group
Document GRPE-72-24
14 January 2016
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. | Gaseous Fuelled Vehicles (GFV)

56. The Chair of the IWG on GFV introduced a status report (GRPE-72-24) on the activities of the group. He updated GRPE on the status of information exchange on GFV related issues in other forums such as the Working Parties on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) and on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15). He presented a new draft Regulation on the requirements for the type approval of retrofit systems intended to be installed on heavy duty diesel vehicles to enable its operation either in diesel mode or in dual-fuel mode (GRPE-72-12). He mentioned that some provisions were not yet finalized and that the scope of the original version of the Regulation would include Euro V and Enhanced Environmentally friendly Vehicles (EEV). He explained that, similarly to Regulation No. 115, there should be a split between provisions at the UNECE level on the engine retrofit system and additional requirements at the national level on the examination or inspection of the complete installation of the system in the vehicle. He pointed out the complexity to consider within the new Regulation the installation manual of the engine retrofit system due to very different types and applications within heavy duty vehicles.

57. GRPE noted the intention of the IWG on GFV to submit an official document on a new Regulation on the requirements for the type approval of retrofit systems for heavy duty diesel vehicles at the next GRPE session, based on GRPE-72-12. GRPE acknowledged the work progress made by the group and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in June 2016.

Relates to UN R49 | UN R110 | UN R115 | UN R143 |