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Proposal for Supplement 5 to Regulation No. 129
Document GRSP/2015/29
22 September 2015

Proposal to introduce an integral fixture for lateral (lie flat, carry cot) child restraint systems.

Submitted by CLEPA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
10. UN Regulation No. 16

19. The expert from CLEPA reiterated that presentation (GRSP-58-01-Rev.1) introduces provisions (GRSP-58-20 superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2015/20) for fixtures that would verify the availability of space on universal lateral facing CRS “lie-flat”. He explained that this kind of CRS addressed children with medical needs and urged its introduction. The expert from France underlined that the issue concerning the introduction of this kind of CRS was whether to consider them as universal or non-universal, and to suggest a proper definition. The expert from the Netherlands suggested that “lie-flat” CRS cannot be considered i-Size type. The expert from CI made a similar statement which suggested that the two new proposed envelopes introduce a new category of CRS, and also added that the matter should be further discussed in the IWG. Finally GRSP agreed to refer GRSP-58-20 to the IWG on CRS for further revision.

19. UN Regulation No. 129

41. Referring to discussion held under agenda item 10 (see para. 17 above), GRSP noted GRSP-58-21 (superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2015/29) tabled by the expert from CLEPA to introduce provisions for “lie-flat” into the UN Regulation. Accordingly, GRSP agreed to refer GRSP-58-21 to the IWG on CRS.

21. Collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 16, 44, 94 and 129
7. Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)

17. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRSP-57-09 proposing to introduce a new fixture to verify space availability of universal lateral facing Child Restraint Systems (CRS) “lie-flat” (GRSP-57-07-Rev.1). He urged the introduction of this envelope to allow the installation of universal “lie-flat” CRS to address special medical needs such as premature born children having inability to support heads. He stated that the current ISOFIX fixture of UN Regulation No. 44 was too large and suggested through his proposal the introduction of a fixture having a volume within those representing rear-facing and forward-facing volumes (excluding side volumes). The expert from OICA suggested that the proposed fixture should not be used to identify an i-size position because otherwise it would reduce the availability of i-size positions in the vehicle. Moreover, he suggested that the proposal would refer to a vehicle specific position. The comments from the expert of OICA were generally supported by the experts from France, Germany, EC and the Netherlands. Finally, GRSP agreed to refer GRSP-57-07-Rev.1 back to the IWG, to be discussed as a full-package with the provisions of UN Regulation No. 129 (see para. 30 below).

10. Regulation No. 44 (Child restraints systems)
14. Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced child restraint systems)

30. Referring to discussion held under agenda item 7 (see para. 17. above) the expert from CLEPA introduced through a presentation (GRSP-57-09) to present a corresponding amendment (GRSP-57-08) to UN Regulation No. 129 to introduce ECRS “lie-flat”. GRSP agreed to refer GRSP-57-08 to the IWG.

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