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Proposal for Supplement 03 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 90
Document GRRF-80-37
18 September 2015

Revised proposal by Italy pursuant to comments received during the 80th GRRF (September 2015) session to introduce provisions for the approval of replacement brake discs for L-category (motorcycle and related) vehicles.

Submitted by Italy
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. UN Regulation No. 90

56. Due to the lack of time, GRVA agreed to postpone the consideration of
GRVA-01-12 and the oral report of the expert from Spain on the activities of the Special Interest Group of experts on UN Regulation No. 90 until the January 2019 session.

4.9.10. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 90
6. Regulation No. 90 (Replacement brake linings)

29. The expert from Italy presented GRRF-81-29 introducing ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/18. The experts from Spain, UK and EC expressed reservations with the aim of the proposal, taking into account the history of the Regulation No. 90 development. They suggested that a more strategic and coordinated approach was chosen to develop the Regulation. GRRF agreed that this proposal may be reviewed by a SIG dealing with Regulation No. 90.

6. Regulation No. 90 (Replacement brake linings)

26. The expert from Italy presented GRRF-80-31, introducing ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/23/Rev.2 and GRRF-80-37 and proposing requirements for the approval of replacement brake discs for L‑category vehicles, taking into consideration the latest technologies available in the market as well as comments received during the previous session of GRRF. GRRF adopted the proposal with the following amendments:

(a) the proposed transitional provisions (paras 12.1 to 12.6) shall be deleted;
(b) The note under Table A15/2.9 shall read: “There are no groups…”

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