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Proposal for amendment to Regulation No. 79
Document GRRF/2015/37
6 July 2015

Proposal to clarify and align the wording of Regulations Nos. 79, 13-H and 13.

The current text of Annex 3 of UN Regulation No. 79 covers requirements to be met in case the braking and the steering systems have the same energy source (paragraph, and the same energy supply (paragraph However these requirements are not aligned with those of Regulation No. 13-H. Paragraph 1.1.2. of Annex 4 to Regulation No. 13-H requires the capacity of a certain number of sudden stops after the energy source failed ONLY in the case where the secondary braking performances cannot be met without energy assisting the muscular energy: see paragraph 1.1.2.

The current text of Annex 3 of Regulation No. 79 covers requirements to be met in case the braking and the steering systems have the same energy source (paragraph, and the same energy supply (paragraph However these requirements are not aligned with those of Regulation No. 13. Paragraph 1.1.3. of Annex 7 to Regulation No. 13 requires the capacity for the system of a certain number of sudden stops, after the energy source failed, ONLY in the case where the secondary braking performances cannot be met without energy assisting the muscular energy: see paragraph 1.1.3.

The current text of the provisions in Regulation No. 79 could be interpreted as the required number of sudden stops that must be achieved irrespective of the service braking design, i.e. even in the case of assisted braking system.

Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.9.9. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 79
8. (b) Remote-controlled Parking
9. (a) UN Regulation No. 79

51. Referring to GRRF-78-27, the expert from CLEPA, on behalf of CLEPA and OICA, introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2015/37 proposing to align the requirements to be met in case of the steering system and the braking system of a vehicle share the same energy source with those of Regulations Nos. 13 and 13-H. GRRF adopted the proposal as reproduced below:

Insert a new paragraph, to read:

“ requirements for the braking performance in paragraphs and above shall not apply if the braking system is such that in the absence of any energy reserve it is possible with the service brake control to achieve the safety requirement for the secondary braking system mentioned in:
(a) Paragraph 2.2. of Regulation No. 13-H, Annex 3 (for M1-, N1-vehicles);
(b) Paragraph 2.2. of Regulation No. 13, Annex 4 (for M2-, M3-, N-vehicles).

Paragraph (former), renumber as

53. GRRF requested the secretariat to submit both adopted proposals to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their June 2016 sessions, as Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 79.

9. (c) Automatically Commanded Steering Functions
9. (a) Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)

40. At the request of the authors of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/19, GRRF agreed to withdraw the document. Instead, the expert from CLEPA introduced GRRF-78-44 supporting GRRF-78-27 on requirements to be met in cases where braking and steering systems have the same energy source. The proposed amendment attempted to clarify and align the wording of this UN Regulation No. 79 with that of UN Regulation No. 13-H. Following the discussion, GRRF agreed to revisit this subject at its February 2015 session on the basis of a revised proposal by CLEPA taking into account the comments received.

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