Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 11 | 27 Sep-1 Oct 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 11.
Exchange of views on guidelines and relevant national activities

104. The expert from France introduced GRVA-11-23, providing an overview of the French Decree on automated vehicles’ conditions of use and automated road transport systems’ commissioning. He explained that the decree covered automation levels up to fully automated systems, provided that there are under supervision of a person in charge of remote intervention and are deployed on predefined paths or zones. He continued that the decree contained definitions such as the one for Automated Road Transport System (ARTS) and general safety provisions for these systems, as well as requirements for the driver or the person in charge of remote intervention and specify responsibility principles (including criminal liability) as set in ordinance 2021-443 dated 14 April 2021. The presentation received clarification questions from Japan about the scope of ARTS, including the system only or the system and the human, and about the handling of emergency vehicles.

105. The expert from Germany introduced GRVA-11-19, a presentation providing details on the regulatory act on Automated Driving Systems adopted in Germany in 2021. He detailed the variety of use cases covered, the infrastructure and ODD requirements, the technical requirements and the approval of the technology and authorization regarding the use to operate. The presentation received questions from the experts from China on the timeline, from Italy on the use of specific registration plates, and from France on potential definitions for autonomous shuttles. The expert from Germany highlighted that an ordinance was envisaged to clarify details.

106. The expert from China introduced GRVA-11-21 providing information about activities performed in China regarding their Framework of Automated Driving Standard System, providing details regarding Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and the related general technical requirements for automated driving systems, as well as proposals and suggestions derived from the experience gathered in China, for GRVA: (i) to consider dealing with the vehicle operating on both public road and limited areas, (ii) to promote the organic combination of FRAV and VMAD work results, (iii) to clarify the relationship between Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistance System and (iv) to regulate other technologies or functions, such as on-board positioning system, as the basic function to serve the automated driving.

107. GRVA agreed that the Task Force on ADAS could develop a document clarifying the boundaries between ADS and ADAS. GRVA reflected on the suggestion (ii), noted above, and agreed that proposals could be made by the experts to the IWG on FRAV to consider not only motorway but also other use cases. GRVA noted the coordination efforts made by FRAV and VMAD. Concerning the suggestion (iv), GRVA recalled the preference to regulate the performance instead of the technology. The expert from International Telecommunication Union stated the merits of developing provisions for the assessment of positioning systems for ADS. GRVA recalled that any Contracting Party may submit a proposal for activities in any relevant area and agreed to discuss at its next session whether further items for regulation should be considered such as the performance of positioning technologies.

GRVA-11-19 (Automated Driving) German Act Amending the Road Traffic Act and the Compulsory Insurance Act – Act on Autonomous Driving (Germany)
GRVA-11-21 Introduction of China's automated driving standard system planning and proposal (China)
GRVA-11-23 (Automated driving) French Decree on automated vehicles’ conditions of use and automated road transport systems’ commissioning (France)