Working Party on General Safety | Session 122 | 12-15 Oct 2021
Agenda Item 4.

29. The expert from Japan, on behalf of the IWG on awareness of Vulnerable Road Users proximity in low-speed manoeuvres (VRU-Proxi), introduced GRSG-122-19 (an explanation of document GRSG-122-16) a new regulation proposal on uniform provisions concerning the approval of devices and motor vehicles regarding the driver’s awareness of vulnerable road users existing front and lateral side proximity of vehicles. He explained the aim of the proposal, was to combine the effectiveness of various detection systems to mitigate the road traffic fatalities by improving the detection of pedestrians using the different systems.

30. The expert from OICA referring to document GRSG-122-19, said the presentation didn’t include data on pedestrian accidents caused by L category vehicles and asked if all pedestrian accidents in Japan only involved M1 and N1 vehicles. She also questioned the minimum age of pedestrians in the report, which was pegged at 5 years old stating pedestrians less than 5 years were not included in the report. The expert from Japan explained the focus of his presentation only included pedestrian fatalities caused by L category vehicles. He further explained the reason for the 5 years age limit is pedestrians below this age, are mostly accompanied by adults.

31. GRSG considered GRSG-122-16 and GRSG-122-19 and requested its submission as an official document for the 123rd session of GRSG.

32. The expert from the European Commission, from the IWG on VRU-Proxi presented documents GRGS-122-24 and GRSG-122-25-Rev.1, a proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles regarding their direct vision. He explained the scope of this Regulation covers field vision for trucks and buses with an aim to improve direct vision and enhance direct visibility of pedestrians and cyclists by reducing to the greatest extent, the blind spot in front and to the side of the driver.

33. The expert from Germany commended the presentation from the European Commission and supported this proposal. The expert from Sweden expressed concerns on this proposal specifically relating to high-capacity transport vehicles.

34. The expert from OICA made extensive technical contribution to this presentation and proposed changes be made to impact the design of the cabs and highlighted that the proposal should take into consideration future design of cabs and not focus on current design. She emphasized that the text was not design and technology neutral and consideration should be given to other design possibilities and technological advancement. The expert from France supported the design neutral approach proposed by OICA however, he said consideration needs to be given to articles of the general safety Regulation therefor, this item be further discussed and reviewed in the taskforce.

35. The Chair of GRSG acknowledged the feedback and invited other Contracting Parties to study this proposal in-depth with an aim to give timely feedback to the IWG on VRU-Proxi to enable the IWG meet the deadline for submission for 123rd session of GRSG. GRSG considered document GRSG-122-24 and requested it be reviewed and presented as a formal document in the next session of GRSG for further discussion.

GRSG-122-16 Proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of devices and motor vehicles with regard to the driver’s awareness of vulnerable road users existing front and lateral side close-proximity of vehicles
GRSG-122-19 IWG VRU-Proxi: Proposal for new regulation for approval of close-proximity devices for driver awareness of VRU (Japan)
GRSG-122-24 IWG VRU-Proxi: Proposal for a new regulation on Direct Vision
GRSG-122-25/Rev.1 IWG VRU-Proxi: Presentation on Direct Vision requirements in new regulation