Working Party on General Safety | Session 102 | 16-20 Apr 2012
Agenda Item 2. (a)
Proposals for further amendments

5. The expert from EC reiterated his position on the need for an improved accessibility of prams as indicated at the previous session on the basis of GRSG-100-06 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2010/33. The expert from OICA proposed alternative provisions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2012/2) to provide a specific area in vehicles of Class I. The expert from France suggested differentiating between small and larger vehicles of Class I as the latter vehicles allow additional space for special area dedicated for a pram or pushchair. GRSG supported in general that proposal, but noted a number of study reservations. The expert the EC volunteered to prepare a revised proposal for consideration at the next GRSG taking into account the comments received. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this matter at its October 2012 session and to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2012/2 on the agenda as a reference document.

6. Recalling the discussion at the previous GRSG session on GRSG-100-16, the expert from CLCCR introduced GRSG-102-12 on the lateral stability of rearward facing wheelchairs. GRSG welcomed the proposal and agreed to reconsider this matter at its next session. The secretariat was requested to distribute GRSG-102-12 with an official symbol.

7. The expert from IRU presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2012/12 proposing to install in urban buses of Class I driver seats without suspension systems. GRSG noted that the choice of driver seats with or without suspension should be made by the manufacturer and operator. The expert from France and Germany raised study reservations. GRSG could not find an agreement on the proposal and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session.

8. The expert from the United States of America presented the status of the motor coach safety action plan in his country (GRSG-102-27). GRSG welcomed the presentation and noted the priorities of the action plan for new requirements on the installation of safety belts, stability control systems and the roof crush performance.

GRSG-100-06 Proposal for an amendment to Regulation No 107 (EC)
GRSG-100-16 Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 107 (CLCCR)
GRSG-102-12 Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 107 (CLCCR)
GRSG-102-27 Status of NHTSA's motorcoach safety efforts (NHTSA)
GRSG/2010/33 Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 107 (EC)
GRSG/2010/33/Rev.1 Revised proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 107 (EC)
GRSG/2012/2 Proposal for further amendments to Regulation No. 107 (OICA)
GRSG/2012/12 Proposal for further amendments to Regulation No. 107 (IRU)