Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 5 | 10-14 Feb 2020

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this GRVA session is 15 November 2019.

Agenda Item 4. (a)
Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Automatically Commanded Steering Function

8. The expert from Germany, Secretary of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF), presented the status report of the group GRVA-05-25, introducing the content of GRVA-05-07, proposing the text for a new UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) with empty sections as placeholder for the work prepared by the IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD) and the IWG on Event Data Recorder (EDR) / Data Storage Systems for Automated Driving (DSSAD). GRVA reviewed in detail GRVA-05-07 and sought consensus on provisions in square brackets.

9. The expert from OICA introduced GRVA-05-46 proposing amendments to paragraph 2.1.1. and GRVA-05-45 explaining the need for lane change allowance in ALKS minimum risk or emergency manoeuvres. The expert from UK supported this position and stated the need to allow these lane changes. GRVA could not agree to allow lane changes in the absence of corresponding provisions at this stage, but will continue the discussion.

10. The expert from Japan, Co-Chair of the IWG on EDR / DSSAD reported on the activities of the group on DSSAD for ALKS. GRVA reviewed in detail GRVA-05-31, with draft DSSAD provisions to be inserted in the draft UN Regulation on ALKS.

11. The expert from Germany introduced GRVA-05-36 presenting motivations for the cut-in requirements for ALKS.

12. The GRVA Vice-Chair, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD, informed GRVA on the relevant activities of the group. He provided an overview of a draft Appendix 1 to Annex 4 to the draft UN Regulation on ALKS (GRVA-05-19), for which comments from the Automotive Industry were received. He informed on the process to finalize the documents from the group for this session, agreed during a virtual meeting organized by the secretariat on 12 February 2020 (lunchtime). He commented that, although the ALKS related documents were still in a review process by the IWG, he could explain the content, in case GRVA would wish so, e.g. from the viewpoint of interface, integrity and consistency with the other ALKS documents tabled for review during this session. GRVA welcomed this offer to introduce the purpose of document.

13. The expert from Japan provided an overview of the content in the draft Appendix 1 to Annex 4 (GRVA-05-62). The expert from the Russian Federation commented that the relationship between the requirement in the main text and scenarios in the Appendix should be clarified. The expert from the European Commission stated that the parameters in paragraph of the main text and parameters in the Appendix should be consistent.

14. The expert from the European Commission gave an overview of the proposed Annex 4 for the UN Regulation on ALKS (GRVA-05-18). He raised the question, whether introducing in-use reporting was in line with the provisions of the 1958 Agreement. The secretariat stated that he was not aware of any provisions in the Agreement that would prevent such report.

15. The expert from Germany clarified upon request that, in their view, the same Technical Service should perform the evaluation in draft Annex 4 and perform the tests prescribed in draft Annex 5.

16. The Secretary introduced GRVA-05-37 on behalf of the Vice-Chair (China). He agreed to look for the requested clarifications and to send them to the expert from China.

17. GRVA requested the Secretary to consolidate the ALKS, DSSAD and VMAD documents (GRVA-05-07-Rev.1). GRVA discussed on this basis open items such as the terms in the formula in paragraph (GRVA-05-44), the parameters to be registered by DSSAD, the content of Appendix 1 to Annex 4 etc. The Secretary produced two other revisions in the course of the week, which were used by GRVA to build consensus. The outcome of the session on ALKS is reflected in GRVA-05-07-Rev.3. GRVA agreed to use this version in preparation of the sixth GRVA session.

GRVA-05-07/Rev.1 ALKS: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
GRVA-05-07/Rev.3 ALKS: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
GRVA-05-18 Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) : Proposal for draft Annex 4
GRVA-05-19 Automated Lane Keeping systems (ALKS) : Proposal for draft Appendix to Annex 4
GRVA-05-25 Status report of the ACSF informal working group
GRVA-05-31 ALKS: Data storage requirements for the draft UN Regulation
GRVA-05-36 ALKS: Motivation of Cut-In Requirements (Germany)
GRVA-05-37 China’s comments on the test specifications of ALKS (China)
GRVA-05-44 ALKS: Avoidance criteria for cut-in situation (OICA)
GRVA-05-45 ALKS: Analysis of requirements for lane changes in Minimal Risk or Emergency Maneuvers (OICA)
GRVA-05-46 ALKS: Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-07/Rev.1 (OICA)
GRVA-05-62 ALKS: Necessity of the traffic critical scenarios drafting under VMAD Subgroup 1a